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Responsible for the content:
Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH
Hafenstraße 6
78462 Constance
Telephone: +49 7531 909430
Fax: +49 7531 909494

Registered with the commercial register of the Local Court of Constance – register number: HRB 381552
VAT ID NUMBER: DE194008758

Managing Director:
Nina Hanstein

Chairman of the Supervisory Board:
BM Johannes Henne

Design, conception, realisation New Media Solutions GmbH
Gusswerk Halle 6, Söllheimerstraße 16
5020 Salzburg
Telephone +43 (0) 662 / 876 606

Picture credits
Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH and its partners
Photographers: Achim Mende, Helmuth Scham, Michael Häfner, Dagmar Schwelle and others

Terms of use
We offer our services free of charge to all who are interested.
Use of the web pages of Internationale Bodensee Tourismus GmbH (hereinafter referred to as “IBT”) is subject to the General Terms of Use set out below. By accessing the web pages you agree to these terms without limitation. Please note that additional special terms of use apply to individual offers (e.g. terms of use for the service offers of the BodenseeErlebniskarte).

Scope of use
You are forbidden to engage in any and all activities on or in connection with the portal that violate applicable law, the rights of third parties or the principles of the protection of minors.
In particular, the web pages must no be used for deliberately untruthful information, fraudulent actions, threats, coercion, defamation or the transfer of pornographic, racist or any other illegal content. Files that may contain viruses or harm the computers of a third party or the web pages of IBT must not be uploaded. Services and goods may not be offered for sale or advertised. It is prohibited to conduct opinion polls or similar. It is prohibited to circulate files, software or other content that is subject to industrial property rights, copyright protection or protection of the right to privacy, unless the user holds these rights.

Uploading of content by third parties
Insofar as third parties make materials, e.g. images, videos or texts, available to IBT for publication purposes, the third party guarantees that IBT may freely dispose of the graphic material, that the material is free of third-party rights and that the persons shown agree to publication without any remuneration being payable to them. The user indemnifies IBT insofar against any third-party claims as they assert claims against IBT based on the uploaded graphic material. Unless explicitly indicated otherwise, any and all image rights of the graphic material published on these web pages are held by IBT.

The user agrees to indemnify IBT on first request against any third-party claims arising from misuse or any other illegal use of the web pages by the user.

IBT expressly reserves the right to amend, supplement, delete or temporarily or definitely cease publication of content without prior announcement. IBT shall have the right to block access of individual users at any time.

The respective author shall be responsible for the content of advertisements; the same applies to the content of the advertised website.

Copyrights and ancillary copyrights; responsibility for third-party content
(1) The content published on these web pages is protected by copyright or other property rights. It is the property of IBT, other participants or other third parties who have made the respective content available. Where applicable, the combination of content is protected as database or database work in terms of Article 4 (2) and Article 87a (1) of the UrhG [Copyright Act]. You may use this content only in accordance with these Conditions of Participation and Terms of Use as well as in the context provided on the portal. It is forbidden to make these web pages or parts thereof available on other web pages and networks. Any and all use not permitted by copyright shall require the prior written permission of IBT, including but not limited to the duplication, editing, translation, saving, processing or reproduction of content in databases or other electronic media and systems. The web pages may only be photocopied or downloaded for personal and private, non-commercial use. Product and company names listed may be registered trademarks or brands. Unauthorised use may result in claims for damages and injunctive relief.

(2) IBT holds the unlimited or non-exclusive exploitation rights for the graphic material used in its own contributions. The representation of IBT web pages in third-party frames requires written approval.

(3) The content available on our web pages is partly that of IBT and partly that of other participants or other third parties. Content of participants and other third parties is hereinafter referred to as “Third-party Content”. IBT dose not check Third-party Content for completeness, accuracy, legality and currentness and therefore does not assume any liability and provides no guarantee for the completeness, accuracy, legality and currentness of Third-party Content. This also applies in regard to the quality of Third-party Content and its suitability for a specific purpose. The same also applies insofar as Third-party Content on external web pages accessible via links is concerned.

Limitation of liability for services provided free of charge
If you incur damage arising from the use of services provided free of charge (including the access of gratuitous content) by us on our web pages, IBT shall be liable only insofar as you incurred the damage by contractual use of the gratuitous content and/or services and only in case of intent (including fraudulent intent) and gross negligence on the part of IBT.

Limitation of liability for services subject to a charge
When you use services subject to a charge (including access of content subject to a charge), IBT shall be liable in accordance with the following provisions:
(1) IBT shall assume unlimited liability for damages caused intentionally or by gross negligence by IBT or its legal representatives, executive officers or vicarious agents.
(2) IBT shall not assume liability in cases of violation of minor contractual obligations caused by slight negligence. Apart from that, liability of IBT for damage caused by slight negligence shall be limited to damage that usually has to be expected in the context of the respective contract (damages that can be typically expected for the contract). This also applies in case of violations due to slight negligence on the part of legal representatives, executive officers and simple ordinary vicarious agents of IBT.
(3) The above limitation of liability does not apply in cases of fraudulent intent, in case of physical or personal injury, violation of guarantees as well as claims arising from product liability.

Exclusion of liability for external links
These web pages include links to external websites. Any and all liability for the content of these websites is excluded as IBT has no influence on their content, accuracy and completeness of the information, legality and morality, but only offers access for use. IBT does not appropriate their content. The respective provider shall exclusively assume liability for the content of third-party websites. IBT shall assume no liability for damages arising from the utilisation or non-utilisation of such third-party information; the sole liable person shall be the respective provider or author. Even though IBT examined the Third-party Content to the best of its knowledge and belief and with due care upon first linking to establish if the content gives rise to responsibility under civil or criminal law, insofar as discernible for IBT, and whether the third-party websites violate good morals or law; yet IBT has no influence on current and future design and on the content of the linked websites. IBT cannot be reasonably expected to maintain continuous control of external links without concrete evidence of statutory violations. However, if we become aware of statutory violations, such external links shall be removed.

Calendar of events
The content made available in the calendar of events is based on information provided by regions, municipalities and individuals and is compiled by IBT with the greatest care. However, IBT cannot guarantee its accuracy and completeness. Accordingly, errors and omissions are expected. IBT also points out that events are subject to change at short notice. Therefore, please have the respective organiser confirm the information in all cases. Liability of IBT for damage arising from use of content published in the calendar of events is excluded.

Holiday offers
The respective providers are exclusively responsible for accuracy and completeness of information, texts, photos, prices, travel times and offers of third-party providers that are listed on the IBT website, including the travel offers in the offer database. IBT does not act as tour operator or as agent, but only offers a platform for presentation of the respective offer. Errors and omissions are expected. IBT does not assume liability in connection with the content of the offers.
IBT reserves the right to delete offers without further notice or to cease publication, either temporarily or definitely. The provider of the offer shall indemnify IBT against claims of other providers or other third parties that these may assert against the provider based on the violation of their rights, content uploaded by the provider to the offer platform or other use of the platform by the provider. In particular, the provider shall assume the costs of the legal defence of IBT, including any and all court fees.
IBT does not assume responsibility or liability for the content and contractual provisions of contracts concluded directly between the provider and the interested person.

Applicable law / severability clause
All legal relationships between the user and IBT are exclusively subject to German law.
Place of performance and jurisdiction Constance, insofar as such agreement on place of jurisdiction is legally permissible.
If one of the aforementioned provisions is or becomes void, in part or in whole, the remaining provisions shall remain unaffected. The void provision shall be replaced by a valid provision that corresponds best to the spirit and purpose of the void provision in a legally effective manner. The above provision applies accordingly in case of regulatory gaps.

Notice on online dispute resolution in accordance with Article 14 par. 1 of the Regulation on consumer ODR
The European Commission has made a platform for online dispute resolution (ODR) available at Our company shall not be party to informal consumer dispute resolution.